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Complete JLPT N5 Grammar
1. Demonstratives
Lesson 1 - こ/そ/あ/ど|(demonstrative pronouns) (1:31)
Lesson 2 - これ/それ/あれ|this/ that (1:21)
Lesson 3 - この/その/あの [Noun]|this/ that [Noun] (1:30)
Lesson 4 - ここ/そこ/あそこ|here/there/over there (0:57)
Chapter Quiz [1]〜[4]
2. Simple sentences
Lesson 5 - 〜です|to be/ it is (polite) (0:58)
Lesson 6 - 〜じゃありません|not to be/ it is not (polite) (0:59)
Lesson 7 - 〜ですか|(indicates question: sentence end) (0:58)
Lesson 8 - はい/いいえ|yes/ no (0:38)
Lesson 9 - そうです|(answer) it is/ that's right (0:26)
Lesson 10 - あります/います|there is..., have... (2:09)
Lesson 11 - Locations (2:05)
Lesson 12 - [Noun] がほしいです|I want [Noun] (0:58)
Lesson 13 - 〜なります|become... (1:20)
Lesson 14 - [Place]に 行きます/来ます/かえります|go/come/back to [Place] (1:18)
Lesson 15 - 〜が好き/きらい/上手/下手|like/dislike/be good at/be bad at (1:10)
Lesson 16 - あげます/くれます/もらいます|(receiving and giving) (4:31)
Lesson 17 - 〜ませんか|(inviting someone) (0:34)
Lesson 18 - [Adjective]+[Noun] (0:53)
Chapter Quiz [5]〜[19]
3. How to use [Particle]
Lesson 19 - 〜は〜が[Adjective]|(The topic has the characteristic '〜が[Adj]') (1:42)
Lesson 20 - 〜も|also/too (0:38)
Lesson 21 - 〜を|(object marker) (1:21)
Lesson 22 - [a starting point]を[Verb] (1:12)
Lesson 23 - [Place]を[motion Verb] (0:58)
Lesson 24 - [Place] に/で|(location particles) (1:40)
Lesson 25 - [Quantifier]に (1:41)
Lesson 26 - 〜の|(used in place of a noun) (0:43)
Lesson 27 - [Person/Animal]と|with [Person/Animal] (1:06)
Lesson 28 - [Noun]の[Noun]|[Noun]+[Noun] (1:04)
Lesson 29 - [Noun]と[Noun]|[Noun] and [Noun] (1:10)
Lesson 30 - 〜や〜|things like... and... (0:47)
Lesson 31 - [Noun]で|[Noun]=tool/range/place (0:58)
Lesson 32 - 〜から〜まで| (1:21)
Lesson 33 - 〜が/けど|..., but... (0:40)
Lesson 34 - [Verb]こと/の|(nominalization) (0:51)
Lesson 35 - 〜から|because... (1:26)
Lesson 36 - 〜ね|isn't it/right? (0:57)
Lesson 37 - 〜よ|(informing the listener of something, or for emphasis) (0:43)
Chapter Quiz [20]〜[40]
4. How to make [Verb Form]
Lesson 38 - Verb Group [dictionary-form]Version (1:31)
Lesson 39 - Verb Group [masu-form]Version (1:30)
Lesson 40 - Verb 辞書形|Verb dictionary-form (0:49)
Lesson 41 - Verb ます形|Verb masu-form (0:52)
Lesson 42 - Verb ない形|Verb nai-form (0:58)
Lesson 43 - Verb て形|Verb te-form (2:30)
Lesson 44 - Verb た形|Verb ta-form (2:40)
Chapter Quiz [41]〜[48]
5. Verb [TE-form] grammar
Lesson 45 - 〜てください/〜ないでください|please do.../don't do... (2:08)
Lesson 46 - 〜ています|(an action in progress) (a condition, habit, not a current action) (0:46)
Lesson 47 - 〜てはいけません|must not... (1:12)
Lesson 48 - 〜てもいいですか|may I [Verb] (1:13)
Lesson 49 - 〜て|(How to join two or more sentences together) (2:49)
Lesson 50 - 〜てから|after [Verb]/[Verb] and then... (1:31)
Chapter Quiz [49]〜[55]
6. Verb [TA-form] grammar
Lesson 51 - 〜たことがあります|have the experience of V-ing (1:14)
Lesson 52 - 〜たり〜たり|[Verb],[Verb] so on... (0:52)
Chapter Quiz [56]〜[57]
7. Verb [MASU-form] grammar
Lesson 53 - 〜ましょうか|shall we/I [Verb] (0:56)
Lesson 54 - 〜たいです|I want to [Verb] (0:59)
Lesson 55 - 〜に行きます|I'm going (an event)/ to (do) (0:59)
Chapter Quiz [58]〜[61]
8. Verb [Dictionary-form] grammar
Lesson 56 - 〜まえに|before... (1:33)
Lesson 57 - 〜(こと)ができます|can do... (1:36)
Lesson 58 - 〜ことです|(Adding こと to a verb makes a noun) (1:08)
Chapter Quiz [62]〜[65]
9. Question words
Lesson 59 - どんな[Noun]|what kind of [Noun] (0:39)
Lesson 60 - どうですか|how about, how... (0:52)
Lesson 61 - 何(なん/なに)|what (1:50)
Lesson 62 - どうやって|how... (0:43)
Lesson 63 - どれ/どの[Noun]|which... (0:45)
Chapter Quiz [66]〜[71]
10. Adverbs
Lesson 64 - もう/まだ|already/not yet (1:37)
Lesson 65 - よく/だいたい/たくさん/少し/あまり/ぜんせん|Adverbs of degree/quantity (1:24)
Chapter Quiz [72]〜[74]
11. Compare [Plain Style|Polite Style]
Lesson 66 - Plain style/Polite style [Verb] (0:36)
Lesson 67 - Plain style/Polite style [i-Adjective] (1:16)
Lesson 68 - Plain style/Polite style [na-Adjective/Noun] (1:32)
Lesson 69 - Conversations in Plain style (0:54)
Lesson 70 - Polite style Verb-form (1:02)
Lesson 71 - Polite style [i-Adjective] form (1:14)
Lesson 72 - Polite style [na-Adjective]/[Noun] form (1:33)
Chapter Quiz [75]〜[82]
12. [Plain Style sentence] Grammar
Lesson 73 - 〜とき|when... (1:33)
Lesson 74 - 〜でしょう?|...right? (1:23)
Lesson 75 - [Plain style]+[Noun]|Noun modifiers (2:42)
Chapter Quiz [83]〜[86]
13. "some-; any-"
Lesson 76 - どこ(へ/に)も/何も/だれも|not...anywhere/not...anything/no one (1:14)
Lesson 77 - どこか/何か/だれか/いつか|any-/some- (0:55)
Chapter Quiz [87]〜[89]
14. Numerals
Lesson 78 - Numeral (5:10)
Lesson 79 - Month/Date/Day of the week (5:44)
Lesson 80 - 〜時〜分|o'clock, minutes (3:02)
Lesson 81 - Expressions of times (2:15)
Lesson 82 - 何(なん)さい|how old... (2:34)
Chapter Quiz [90]〜[94]
15. Counters
Lesson 83 - 〜つ|generic counter for items (0:51)
Lesson 84 - 〜こ|counter for smaller items (0:49)
Lesson 85 - 〜人(にん)|counter for people (0:49)
Lesson 86 - 〜まい|counter for flat objects (0:50)
Lesson 87 - 〜ほん|counter for long objects (0:48)
Lesson 88 - 〜ひき|counter for small animals (0:52)
Lesson 89 - 〜だい|counter for equipment (0:48)
Lesson 90 - 〜さつ|counter for bound volumes (0:50)
Chapter Quiz [95]〜[100]
16. Comparative
Lesson 91 - 〜と〜とどちらが|which is more ...than... (2:41)
Lesson92 〜でどれがいちばん〜|which is the most... (1:38)
Printable PDF Materials
N5 Reference E-Book PDF (WITH romaji; alphabet characters)
N5 Reference E-Book PDF (NO romaji; alphabet characters)
100 Practice Questions Worksheets
Plain style and Polite style chart PDF
Numbers/Times Chart PDF
Hiragana Katakana
Hiragana Katakana exercise book(PDF) (10:02)
Hiragana; Similar Hiragana (4:50)
Hiragana; Voiced Sounds/Half-Voiced Sounds (だくおん dakuon /はんだくおん han dakuon) (4:59)
Hiragana; Glides (ようおん: Yoon) (7:15)
Hiragana; Double Consonants (そくおん sokuon) (1:58)
Hiragana; Long Vowels (2:31)
Hiragana; Exercise video (7:24)
Katakana; Similar Katakana (5:47)
Katakana; Voiced Sounds/Half-Voiced Sounds (だくおん dakuon /はんだくおん han dakuon) (4:06)
Katakana; Glides (ようおん: Yoon) (7:11)
Katakana: Long Vowels (ー) (1:47)
Katakana; Exercise video (7:01)
Basic Words
Basic Adjectives (7:37)
Basic Verbs (6:46)
Family (4:54)
Jobs (6:24)
Bonus videos
Giving and Receiving Review (90:03)
Often confused particles (72:17)
Lesson 35 - 〜から|because...
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