Latest Lecture Preview: Giving and Receiving for Beginners:(released on March 13th)

Let's Review!

In this preview, you’ll get a glimpse of the full lesson with three carefully selected practice questions from the full lecture. Even just watching this short preview will help you better understand how to use あげる, もらう, and くれる naturally in conversation.

Members of the JLPT All-in-One course can access the full lecture video, download the PDFs, and take the review quizzes while they are receiving daily reminder emails. They can also watch all previously published lectures during this period.

JLPT All-in-One Course

List of published lectures:
- Passive-form Review
- Expand Vocabulary: PERSONALITY
- Causative-form Review
- Causative passive-form Review
- Expand Vocabulary: Idioms - Face Edition
- The Distinction Between "の" and "こと"
- Expand Vocabulary: Illness & Symptoms
- Usage of "〜んです/〜んだ"
- Expand Vocabulary: Idioms - Body Edition
- Commonly Confused Particles
- Expand Vocabulary: Clothing
- Using '~ば' and '~たら' Correctly
- Proper Usage of '〜と' (general condition)
- JLPT N5 Grammar Practice
- JLPT N4 Grammar Practice
- JLPT N3 Grammar Practice
- JLPT N2 Grammar Practice
- JLPT N5 Vocabulary Practice 
- JLPT N4 Vocabulary Practice
- JLPT N3 Vocabulary Practice
- JLPT N2 Vocabulary Practice
- JLPT N5 Paraphrases, Sentence composition 
- JLPT N4 Paraphrases, Usage, Sentence composition
- JLPT N3 Paraphrases, Usage, Sentence composition
- JLPT N2 Paraphrases, Usage, Sentence composition
​- Expand Vocabulary: Idioms - Heart and Soul Edition
- Expand Vocabulary: Idioms - Animals and Plants Edition

- Particle Practice for Beginners
- Particle Practice - Intermediate & Advanced
- Connective Expressions for Beginners
- Connective Expressions - Intermediate & Advanced
- Giving and Receiving for Beginners: 13/Mar/2025 

The upcoming lecture line-up (dates subject to change):
- Giving and Receiving - Intermediate & Advanced: 28/Mar/2025

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Experiencing Chika Sensei's Intensive Lectures in combination with the JLPT All-in-One Course unlocks incredible synergies. This approach is designed to help you address your weaknesses in Japanese, allowing for a more effective learning experience. If you're considering preparing for the JLPT, don't let this opportunity pass you by!

Join the JLPT All-in-One Course now and let's achieve success in the JLPT together!


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