Our JLPT Course is Full – Join Us for the Next Enrollment!
To receive priority information, sign up for the waiting list here.
To those who want to pass JLPT N1,
and those who want to talk Japanese like a native speaker.
Do you worry about the following?
- There's just so much material for N1, I don't know where to start.
- I'm studying hard for N1, but I don't think I can pass it.
- N1 has too much vocabulary and kanji.
- I do a lot of reading for N1 but it seems I don't have a good variety of topics.
- I passed N1, but I am not happy with my scores.
- I passed N1, but my Japanese ability is still far from where I want it to be.
- I worry that what I say in Japanese is sometimes wrong, but I don't know because no one tells me my mistakes.
- I feel like my Japanese doesn't really improve, it's just stuck at a certain level.
- My goal is to achieve Japanese proficiency comparable to a native speaker, and I feel confident in some areas, but very limited in other areas.
Why do so many advanced Japanese language students have these struggles?
It’s because it's possible to live in Japan and communicate with Japanese people daily using the basic language skills you've acquired but without improving these skills.
Some might feel OK with the level they are at, but if you really want to reach new heights in Japanese, more effort and training are needed.
If you are reading this page, you want to pass JLPT N1, the highest level of Japanese skill, or you've achieved JLPT N1, or you just feel the need to bring your Japanese skills closer to a native level.
In order to do that, you need more vocabulary and more expressions that are not used on a daily basis.
You might be very proficient in areas that you encounter often, related to your life, work, hobbies etc., but to truly improve, you need to add reading and listening skills in areas that you are not familiar with.
However, finding ways to expand your knowledge can be difficult on your own.
Even if you like studying and learning, a busy schedule might make it hard to get organized.
I recommend this course...
to study 10 minutes / day with the help of a 20 years professional experienced teacher of Japanese language education, using a variety of materials and topics.
Those who attain "super" skills in language invariable read and listen a lot.
One Japanese translator said:
"When you reach intermediate level or higher, how much you listen and read will greatly affect your Japanese ability. I see many people able to speak both English and Japanese. But there's a lot of variety in their Japanese proficiency. What makes the difference? It really comes down to how much you daily involve your eyes and ears in the Japanese language."
This course is highly recommended if you want to prepare for the N1 exam.
Whether you can pass N1 really depends on how much vocabulary you attain from reading and listening to Japanese.
Here are the titles of the materials that have been published so far.
>>Materials #1-100
>>Materials #101-200
>>Materials #201-300
>>Materials #301-400
>>Materials #401-500
>>Materials #501-600
>>Materials #601-700
>>Materials #701-800
>>Materials #801-
*As long as you are enrolled in the course, you can continue to see all lessons published in the past.
When you take this course...
✔︎You will meet the goal of passing N1.
✔︎You will raise your N1 scores.
✔︎ You will be able to acquire a more balanced vocabulary similar to a native speaker and beyond the vocabulary supplied by N1.
✔︎ You will be able to read 常用漢字(じょうようかんじ, daily-use kanji, those used in official documents, newspapers, broadcasting, social life, etc.) equivalent to N1 level kanji or more.
✔︎ Your ability to understand multi-word expressions will improve, which will speed up your reading and bring you closer to native styles of speaking.
✔︎ You will practice listening exercises at native Japanese speed.
✔︎ As your active, usable vocabulary increases, you'll be able to have deeper conversations.
✔︎ Your Japanese homework, "output", will be corrected, enabling you to improve your writing skills.
"She will get you to pass the test "
I had been living in Japan for about 4 years when I decided to take the N1 test. I had never taken the JLPT, but I was confident because my last job required me to speak and study Japanese a lot, and I spent a lot of my spare time immersing myself in different media for practice. I took the test the first time without studying, other than what I was doing naturally for work and for fun, because I wanted to see how well I could do at my current skill level. However I was quickly humbled by the test, and I felt defeated and discouraged. Around that time I happened to discover Chica sensei’s courses, and I felt that it looked promising so I enrolled in her “All In One N1 Course”. I had just changed jobs to my current one which requires me to speak in English all day, and I’m not permitted to speak Japanese because I teach English at an immersion school. I was concerned this would slow or stop my progress with my Japanese skills, but I have gradually improved thanks to Chica sensei. I’m happy to say that I officially passed the N1, and it’s all thank to Chica sensei. I would have never had seen what was holding me back from progressing without her help and I would have stopped progressing because of how busy my new job keeps me and how little opportunities it gives me to work on my Japanese. I feel Chica sensei’s course helped me stay consistent but also didn’t overwhelm me. Learning a language takes time, and if you’re like me, you want the results now so you tend to rush it at times, and overwhelm yourself. I recommend Chica sensei to all my friends all the time, and I recommend her to anyone reading my long winded testimonial here too haha! She will get you to pass the test. Best of luck to you!
– Trevor Billings | USA
Why choose our course?
Ten minutes per lesson
You can make the best use of your moments of spare time.
We will send about 1 lesson/day through an email.
Even the busiest people have time to complete the course
*All lessons published in the past are immediately available from your account as soon as your application is accepted.
Easy to keep up
The daily "Study-Support" email will remind you which lesson to study and in which order.
It’s an organized way of learning, you just have to follow the instructions.
Even if you miss a lesson, weekly emails will also remind you. You can always take lessons at a later time.
You are not alone
The daily homework chat is fun. The teacher clearly corrects your sentences and you learn new words from your conversations with the teacher.
You can submit your homework and ask the teacher a question anytime 24/7 for all lessons.
No wasted money
You can always go back and complete lessons that you missed, and will never lose their value.
Access previous lessons and submit your homework anytime.
It is reviewed by your teacher immediately.
Our JLPT Course is Full – Join Us for the Next Enrollment!
To receive priority information, sign up for the waiting list here.
So, what's this course all about?
- To improve the range of your vocabulary, expert JLPT teachers will provide a daily supply of reading / listening materials at a level for Japanese native speakers. (Monday-Friday)
- Each lesson has homework, making it easy to establish a habit of daily Japanese practice.
- Each day, a professional
Japanese teacher Chika Sensei will correct your writing homework, so you can see your mistakes.
You will also learn native expressions.
- With just 10 minutes of “input” learning a day (+ homework), even busy people have no trouble keeping it up.
- You can learn more than 200 new vocabulary words per month, and you will receive unlimited access to all previously released over 5000 new vocabulary.
*Adding new materials every week.
- All materials include quizzes and can be used as grammar and vocabulary questions for N1.
80 new quizzes are released per month, and you will receive unlimited access to all previously released over 2000 quizzes.
*Adding new materials every week.
-Two times a week (Mon, Wed)
We've prepared realistic learning materials at a level for Japanese native speakers.
These contents contain a balanced variety of subjects from news, novels, essays, entertainment, etc.
1. Read the original version
2. Read the add furigana(hiragana above kanji) version
3. Check the meaning of the words
4. Listen to the teacher read-aloud
5. Take quizzes (words, grammar, comprehension)
6. Submit your homework
>> Click here for a reading sample lesson
-Two times a week (Tue, Thu)
We've prepared audio materials that have not been simplified for non-native speakers, allowing you to improve your listening skills while getting used to native-speed Japanese.
With a variety of topics, you will be able to greatly increase your vocabulary. A written script is also provided for easy review.
1. Listen to the audio without reading the script.
2. Read the script aloud while listening.
3. Take quizzes (words, grammar, comprehension)
4. Submit your homework
>> Click here for a listening sample lesson
Lecture Videos from Chika Sensei
-Once a week (Fri)
Chika Sensei host a weekly review lecture.
You will understand the lesson more deeply through her explanations.
Sample Video
Unlimited Viewing of "N1 Grammar Course" as a bundle.
You will study grammar for N1, again and again.
There are easy-to-understand video explanations by professional teacher Chika Sensei as your additional lessons.
Use these to study when you have a little more time.
Sample Video
You will also study grammar through extensive reading materials.
Seeing "Correctly Structured" Japanese
When people write, they usually use "correct" Japanese with a proper grammatical structure. So, by reading you see and learn grammatical Japanese naturally.
All reading and listening materials also include a vocabulary and grammar comprehension quiz.
Learning Vocabulary In Context.
You will usually encounter new words when you read.
You may not even need to use a dictionary because you can guess the meaning from the rest of the text (from the context). Not only do you learn new words, but you see them being used naturally.
All reading and listening materials include a vocabulary and grammar comprehension quiz.
You will learn vocabulary faster and more effectively through reading and listening materials.
Personal Feedback on Your Writing
Each lesson has writing homework. The Japanese you submit will be corrected by a teacher so that you can learn more "natural" Japanese. Getting personal feedback from a teacher is highly effective not only for finding hidden grammatical mistakes, but also for improving vocabulary selection and ways to express yourself like a native speaker.
Daily Support Email
We send reminders of the daily lesson (Monday-Friday).
For students who prefer to study on a weekly basis, we also send weekly emails to summarize the lessons for the week, so you can easily keep studying at your own pace.
Unlimited Viewing
As long as you are enrolled in the course, you can continue to see all lessons published in the past.
Bundle Course
Complimentary access to the Chika Sensei's Intensive Lecture Series!
In addition to the main content of the JLPT N1 Course, Chika Sensei also regularly provides intensive lecture videos. This series is perfect for JLPT review, as Chika Sensei thoroughly explains grammar and vocabulary usage that Japanese learners often find challenging. Available for viewing on any device, anytime!
What makes our course different from other Japanese learning services?
Japanese learners face a difficult decision when selecting a method of study.
Traditional classrooms and schools, private lessons guarantee access to a professional teacher, but can be difficult to adjust a busy schedule.
Language learning applications are often the most convenient option, but typically do not include access to a professional teacher.
Our course offers the best of both worlds: students can take lessons and do homework anywhere, anytime, and they receive personalized feedback from a qualified Japanese teacher Chika Sensei who has professional experience.
$79 USD / Month
*Without VAT tax
For only $2.60 a day, you'll get as close as possible to native Japanese.
This is not just self-study with good materials, but the course comes with personal feedback from veteran Japanese teachers.
Having a professional teacher check your Japanese every day is an exceptionally good deal.
In addition to submitting homework and getting feedback, you can re-watch the lessons as much as you like, enabling you to study as much as you want, however and whenever you have time.
As an advanced Japanese language student, you must surely know the value of studying with a teacher, right?
The monthly subscription also allows you to withdraw at any time if you feel this course is not for you.
There is no obligation for how long you need to continue.
It’s a great investment if you really want to learn to speak Japanese like a native.
Try it out for a few months and see what a difference it makes!
Our JLPT Course is Full – Join Us for the Next Enrollment!
To receive priority information, sign up for the waiting list here.
"I want to try, but what if it doesn't work for me ..."
No need to worry.
Within 14 days of your application, you can send an email requesting withdrawal, and the tuition fee will be refunded.
So, if you are interested, feel free to give it a try.
* Even if you withdraw, you won't need to return the PDF materials.
Try our course risk-free.
Our JLPT Course is Full – Join Us for the Next Enrollment!
To receive priority information, sign up for the waiting list here.
"I was able to dramatically increase my vocabulary in areas that I previously took no interest in."
I finished the N2 course and then passed the N2 exam, and I am now preparing for N1, I highly recommend this course for advanced students seeking to reach N1 level.
Reading and listening to the materials that my teacher chose for me, I was able to dramatically increase my vocabulary in areas that I previously took no interest in.
On my own, of course, I watched videos, etc. in Japanese, but only in subjects that I liked, so I realized that my vocabulary was really limited to those certain areas.
I guess I would never have gotten into new topics in Japanese on my own.
The daily study can feel a bit long, but really it's only 20 minutes at the longest, including homework, so it's easy to do just a little each day. (It's 10 minutes if you don't do your homework.)
Of course, the teacher corrects grammatical mistakes, but the best thing is that the teacher will point out even things that are "technically correct", but native speakers just don't say that way, and supply a more natural way to say it.
I want to be able to speak Japanese like a Japanese person, so I'm going to keep studying this way.
-Darko Rudan | Croatia
Message from Chika Sensei
In my approximately 20 years of teaching Japanese, I have been in contact with over 5,000 Japanese language learners, and without exception, those who advance the furthest are those who read a great deal.
The benefits of More Reading, More Listening are as follows.
- Vocabulary is added and retained
- Reading comprehension speed increases
- Listening comprehension speed increases
- The active (usable) vocabulary increases
- Grammar mistakes are reduced
- Writing improves
Just to name a few... This is considered the finishing polish on language learning.
If you are looking at this page, you must be an advanced student getting started in expanding your reading and listening.
However, time is limited, and you only have so much to spend on improving your Japanese.
This is definitely the course for you.
I choose a good balance of topics for the daily audio, then quickly correct the homework "output" to bring it closer to a native style.
This course is designed so that you can study efficiently in the shortest possible time, with no wasted time.
I think you have already made considerable effort to acquire the level of Japanese proficiency that you have.
You've come this far, why not take the next step with me and become a truly proficient Japanese speaker?
Chika Sensei Profile
-Native Japanese, born and raised in Japan
-Master's Degree in Japanese Language Education (2012)
-Certified in the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test (2002)
-20 years of experience in Japanese language teaching (2002-)
-Completed numerous researches in the Japanese Language studies
-Publication in Japanese Language Studies
-Teaching experience abroad including in Korea and Taiwan
-Over 100K followers on Instagram (@chika_sensei)
Q. Can this course be used to prepare for JLPT N1?
Yes, this course is highly recommended if you want to prepare for the N1 exam.
Whether you can pass N1 really depends on how much vocabulary you attain from reading and listening to Japanese.
If you've taken the N2 exam, you know the kind of format used, and N1 is basically the same.
The aim of N1 is to increase your vocabulary and the speed at which you can read and listen with full comprehension.
This course uses realistic Japanese at a native level in the teaching material, so without a doubt, the more you study the lessons, the more N1 vocabulary you will retain.
The kanji are daily-use at N1 level, so there is plenty of new kanji to learn.
Q. What level of Japanese proficiency do you need to take this course?
You need an N2 level of Japanese proficiency. The goal of this course is to prepare N1 aspirants or to help N1 holders to improve their Japanese proficiency. Since it contains many expressions that can't be translated into English, we don't explain much using English, rather, the lessons are mainly in Japanese. To understand the Japanese used to teach the lessons, you need to have N2 or higher.
However, if you don't have N2 but are still interested, there's a 14-day money-back guarantee, so feel free to try it for a few days.
Q. I already have N1, why do I need this course?
I've already lived in Japan for 20 years; can this course really help me?
If you can speak almost as well as a native and have no trouble understanding Japanese on any topic, then the answer is no.
But, if you still feel you can't communicate at a native level, then the answer is yes, it’s worth taking the course.
If you are pretty good at speaking Japanese, no one will bother to point out your mistakes, even if you communicate with Japanese people often. They just assume it's your way of expressing things, and let it go as long as they understand your intended meaning. And they feel it would be rude to point out mistakes.
That may work fine for you, but if you want really excellent Japanese, you need to add new input every day, and you need a teacher who can correct small mistakes and expressions peculiar to non-natives, and help you express yourself in more natural Japanese.
You might use Japanese every day, but do you find yourself using the same words and concepts repeatedly?
To really master Japanese, you need an increasingly large vocabulary and the ability to use it correctly in a wide range of subjects.
Q. So how do I get my lessons?
Each Monday, we release the lessons for the week.
From Monday to Friday, we send support emails informing you of which lesson you should do on that day.
We send weekly summary emails on Friday.
Review these on Saturdays and Sundays.
Q. When does the course start and finish?
There are no deadlines for this course. So, you can start whenever you like and unsubscribe whenever you feel you no longer need it.
* Charges for the course are on a monthly basis. The curriculum is different from the "All-in-One" courses from N5 to N2.
Q. Can I still see the lessons I already finished?
Yes, as long as you are enrolled in the course, you can continue to see all the past lessons.
However, if you withdraw from the course, you will no longer be able to access all the lessons. (Except lessons already downloaded)
Q. Can I pay in Japanese yen?
Yes, you can.
If you prefer to pay for courses in Japanese yen, click here.
Q. Can I stop part-way through?
Yes, you can cancel at any time from your account page.
Q. Do you charge VAT tax?
Please note that VAT charges depend on your country of residence. I am legally required to collect this and remit it to the authorities, and I have no control over it.
Q. Can I get a refund if I quit?
There's a money-back guarantee within 14 days of the first day of attendance.
Please note that refunds won't be made automatically.
Within 14 days of a refund please request it via email.
Our JLPT Course is Full – Join Us for the Next Enrollment!
To receive priority information, sign up for the waiting list here.
Our Happy Students from all levels of the JLPT Course
“I failed the JLPT twice and got really discouraged, however with this course, I was able to find my confidence in Japanese again!”
Brian Robinson
"With five minutes a day left for me to study, I’m able to study in a productive manner. I learn so much."
Wingle Chin
"I can study anytime and anywhere with Chika Sense’s simple English and Japanese explanations.”
Betul Susam
"I can't spend a lot of time studying at one time, so I thought this course would be perfect for me, and it was."
Lim Yan Soon
"A must for those of you out there that struggle to keep up. "
I've been to different program or forms of learning japanese language, and as the pandemic kicks in I then started to try out online learning. And I bumped into this course as I was searching online for easy and effective ways of learning, The concept of learnig daily for at least 10mins is one thing that interest me, as I'm so busy and couldn't sit in a class for an hour or so.... I like the style of being task to do a simple homework everyday and being checked by the teacher everyday too., somehow it keeps my motivation to continue learning. And even though I miss a day or two I get constant reminder through email for the lesson that I should be taking up, that's really helpful.
I can definitely say that this platform helps me a lot. A must for those of you out there that struggle to keep up. In addition the way the lesson are formated is very well thought. Kudo to you Chika Sensei.
"My Japanese has significantly improved after only one month."
The lessons and exercises are in manageable pace and Chika sensei herself is very attentive! My Japanese has significantly improved after only one month. I would recommend anyone to take her lessons :)
-Pin Pin Tea-makorn
"I highly recommend this for people like me who have a hard time sticking with it."
This course is the best!
I have a lot of JLPT textbooks and video lessons. But after the first week, I always get tired of it and quit. Also, my work hours are irregular so I don't have time to go to language class.
Actually, I was worried that the amount of JLPT study each day was too small, but I realized that it was just the right amount for me to keep going.
There's no point if you don't keep it up!
You can do these lessons anytime, when you are waiting for the train or the bus, when you're making coffee, before going to bed, etc., anyone can do it.
Occasionally I will skip a few days, but then I just spend a little more time catching up.
I highly recommend this for people like me who have a hard time sticking with it.
"Love the classes with Chika sensei."
I have joined the class during in the pandemic started from 2021. I am so happy learning the Japanese from online class, I can study the Japanese anywhere and anytime, it is very convenience for me, wherever I am. Chika sensei gave us many idea for studying the Japanese class when I email her to ask her the question. She is very kind and nice to everyone. In the N4, she will provide us the extra materials in some of the lessons, and she will remind us using te-form and ta-form.
Even now, I always confuse the が、に、or etc, she always correct our sentences. Love the classes with Chika sensei.
-Natalie Chan
"I skip much less than when I was studying on my own."
I'm not going to take the JLPT right away, but I started this course to prepare for the future.
Although the course is designed for the JLPT exam, it's also great for learning Japanese from the basics. (I'm studying N5)
It's like learning basic Japanese from a language class, but without the pressure of going to school.
There are also videos for listening and vocabulary quizzes, these are interesting and change every day. When I get the email from my teacher, it’s like a reminder to start class, so I skip much less than when I was studying on my own.
I was just studying sort of gradually, as a hobby, but now I've gained a lot of confidence and I'm thinking of taking the next JLPT.
"I can do it with my pc or cellphone anywhere, anytime without pressure."
I enroll in this lesson to further understand Japanese grammar and kanji. I can do it with my pc or cellphone anywhere, anytime without pressure.
Chika sensei was not only kind but approachable and easy to communicate with. She explains well and answers all questions you ask.
This is an exciting experience for me.^-^
"The courses give you a sense of making steady progress."
I have really enjoyed this (and other) Chika Sensei's courses. They provide nice balance between grammar with multiple examples, listening, reading, and vocabulary building, and each unit has a brief test to check your understanding, with timely feedback from the teacher. The content is broken down to small lessons that can be completed at the end of a busy day and give you a sense of making steady progress. I look forward to continuing with the next levels of the JLPT with Chika sensei in the future!
After completing Chika Sensei's JLPT N5 course, I loved it so much that I am now continuing in the JLPT N4 course. I enjoy how comprehensive the courses are, covering grammar, vocabulary, and listening skills, while also being feasible to do even with a busy life. The brief quizzes immediately test your knowledge and writing a sentence using the words or grammar rules we just learned helps apply and solidify the knowledge. Every day I look forward to a new Japanese lesson and seeing my progress. Thank you, Chika Sensei!
"All of this is provided by Chika Sensei."
Trying to learn a new language is always a difficult challenge. Especially from eastern for us, westerner. It has to be progressive, clearly sequenced, carried out on daily bases with back and forth on your work. And with a good teacher and some interaction. All of this is provided by Chika Sensei. That is not an easy journey but so interesting, do it in a good company !
-jean-pierre Armangau
"With her guidance I feel confident and motivated."
I cannot recommend this course enough. Chika Sensei’s teaching method and well curated curriculum perfectly fit in busy schedules, and ensures that you build your Japanese language skills incrementally and consistently. I make a lot of mistakes but she always corrects them very kindly, and even my sentences make no sense, she understands what I was trying to say. With her guidance I feel confident and motivated. Thank you sensei!