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Complete JLPT N4 Grammar
Lesson 1 - 〜し〜し|(expressing multiple reasons or repeating similar things) (1:21)
Lesson 2 - 〜て/で|(a cause or reason) (1:13)
Lesson 3 - 〜んです|(explanation, reason) (0:41)
Lesson 4 - それで|therefore/ that's why (0:41)
Lesson 5 - 〜ので|because..., (0:53)
Chapter Quiz - [1]〜[6]
Receiving, Giving
Lesson 6 - 〜てあげる|(doing something for someone else) (1:03)
Lesson 7 - 〜てくれる|(something is done by someone for me or my family) (1:10)
Lesson 8 - 〜てもらう|(something is done by someone for me or my family) (1:07)
Lesson 9 - 〜てくれませんか/〜てくださいませんか/〜ていただけませんか|Could you...? (1:16)
Chapter Quiz - [7]〜[11]
Verb Form for N4
Lesson 10 - 可能形(かのうけい)|Verb Potential form (1:14)
Lesson 11 - 命令形(めいれいけい)|Verb Imperative-form (0:44)
Lesson 12 - 禁止形(きんしけい)|Verb Prohibitive-form (0:44)
Lesson 13 - 仮定形(かていけい)|Verb Conditional-form (0:51)
Lesson 14 - 意向形(いこうけい)|Verb Volitional-form (1:26)
Lesson 15 - 受身形(うけみけい)|Verb Passive-form (3:41)
Lesson 16 - 使役形(しえきけい)|Verb Causative-form (1:52)
Lesson 17 - 使役受身形(しえきうけみけい)|Verb Causative passive-form (1:48)
Lesson 18 - 見(み)える/聞(き)こえる|be audible/ be visible (1:34)
Lesson 19 - 自動詞(じどうし)/他動詞(たどうし)|Intransitive/Transitive Verb (1:40)
Chapter Quiz - [12]〜[22]
Lesson 20 - 〜てある|(the state after having done something with a particular purpose) (0:31)
Lesson 21 - 〜てしまう|(emphasis, regret) (0:46)
Lesson 22 - [Intransitive Verb]ている|(the circumstance of remaining effects) (1:06)
Lesson 23 - 〜と言(い)う|(someone) say... (1:10)
Lesson 24 - 〜ところ|just about/on the verge of doing something (0:52)
Lesson 25 - まだ〜ている|still... (1:03)
Lesson 26 - 〜ばかり|just finished, something just occurred (0:34)
Chapter Quiz - [23]〜[30]
Advice, Permission
Lesson 27 - ほうがいい|you should... (0:57)
Lesson 28 - 〜なくてもいい|need not do..., don't have to... (0:43)
Chapter Quiz - [31]〜[32]
Lesson 29 - こ/そ/あ②|(to refer to things not visible to the speaker or the hearer) (1:30)
Lesson 30 - 〜という意味(いみ)|it means... (0:38)
Lesson 31 - 〜ないで|without V-ing (0:48)
Lesson 32 - 〜やすい/〜にくい|easy to.../ hard to... (0:57)
Chapter Quiz - [33]〜[37]
Time Clause
Lesson 33 - 〜あとで|after, later (1:08)
Lesson 34 - 〜てから VS 〜あとで|after, later (2:46)
Lesson 35 - 〜までに|before..., by...(time limit) (1:08)
Lesson 36 - 〜ながら|while V-ing (1:03)
Chapter Quiz - [38]〜[41]
Number, Amount
Lesson 37 - 〜すぎる|too much (0:54)
Lesson 38 - [Noun]しか〜ない|only [Noun] and no other... (0:36)
Lesson 39 - [Quantifier]で|(showing a limit) (0:39)
Chapter Quiz - [42]〜[45]
Lesson 40 - [Noun]で|[Noun] express many different meaning (1:11)
Lesson 41 - 〜とか|...or (colloquial) (0:57)
Lesson 42 - [Noun]でも|...or something (0:30)
Lesson 43 - [Particle]+は/も|(emphasis or comparison) (1:24)
Lesson 44 - [Verb]+の+[Particle]|(の as a nominaliser) (1:17)
Chapter Quiz - [46]〜[51]
Condition, Reverse Condition
Lesson 45 - 〜と|if..., then (1:06)
Lesson 46 - 〜ば|if...(hypothetical condition) (1:48)
Lesson 47 - 〜たら|if, when, after, once (1:27)
Lesson 48 - 〜なら|if (giving information) (1:06)
Lesson 49 - 〜のに|even though... (1:02)
Lesson 50 - 〜ても|even if... (1:18)
Lesson 51 - 〜場合(ばあい)は|in the event of, in the case that... (0:50)
Chapter Quiz - [52]〜[59]
Hearsay, Guessing
Lesson 52 - 〜ようだ/みたいだ|it seems that... (0:45)
Lesson 53 - 〜そうだ(様態;ようたい)|looks like..., going to...(describing things) (1:02)
Lesson 54 - 〜そうだ(伝聞;でんぶん)|they say that...(hearsay) (1:11)
Lesson 55 - 〜でしょう|it will probably... (1:36)
Lesson 56 - 〜と思(おも)う|I think... (1:00)
Lesson 57 - 〜かもしれない|may... (0:59)
Lesson 58 - 〜はず|be supposed to be the case (0:33)
Chapter Quiz - [60]〜[67]
Prohibition, Obligation, Command
Lesson 59 - 〜なさい|do... (command) (0:36)
Lesson 60 - 〜なければならない|must, have to... (1:23)
Lesson 61 - Conversations in 命令形(めいれいけい)/禁止形(きんしけい) (0:39)
Chapter Quiz - [68]〜[71]
Lesson 62 - [V意向形(いこうけい)] と思う|I think I'll [Verb Volitional-form] (1:01)
Lesson 63 - 予定(よてい)|schedule (0:59)
Lesson 64 - 〜つもり|intent/ plan to... (1:00)
Lesson 65 - 〜てみる|try to do (1:00)
Lesson 66 - 〜ておく|(making preparations in advance) (0:44)
Chapter Quiz - [72]〜[76]
Lesson 67 - 〜ように|so that, in order to (1:05)
Lesson 68 - 〜ために|for..., in order to... (1:27)
Lesson 69 - 〜(の)に|for... (0:30)
Chapter Quiz - [77]〜[79]
Lesson 70 - 〜ようになる|to reach the point that/ to come to be that/ to turn into (0:38)
Lesson 71 - 〜になる/ことになる|has been decided (0:49)
Lesson 72 - 〜がする|can hear, see, smell (0:42)
Lesson 73 - 〜ようにする|(making a conscious effort to do something) (0:35)
Lesson 74 - 〜(に)する/ことにする|turn/make to do, decide to do (0:48)
Lesson 75 - 〜から/で つくります|made from/of (0:45)
Lesson 76 - 〜てくる|get..., come to... (0:50)
Chapter Quiz - [80]〜[87]
Embedding Question
Lesson 77 - [Question word]〜か|...what/when/where/who/how... (0:48)
Lesson 78 - 〜かどうか|whether it's ...or not (1:08)
Chapter Quiz - [88]〜[90]
Lesson 79 - [Adjective]+さ|(an Adjective to turn it into a Noun) (0:47)
Lesson 80 - [Adjective]+[Verb] (0:43)
Chapter Quiz - [91]〜[93]
Honorific Expression
Lesson 81 - 敬語(けいご)|honorific expressions (0:53)
Lesson 82 - 尊敬語(そんけいご)|Respectful expressions (3:53)
Lesson 83 - 謙譲語(けんじょうご)|Humble expressions (2:32)
Lesson 84 - 〜てさしあげる/〜てくださる/〜ていただく|Receiving, Giving honorific (2:19)
Lesson 85 - [使役形(しえきけい)]ていただけませんか|Would you please let me do...? (1:17)
Chapter Quiz - [94]〜[100]
Printable PDF Materials
Reference Book (108 pages)
100 Practice Questions Worksheets
[BONUS] N5 important grammar review
N4+N5 Verb-form Review
Plain style / Polite style review sheet
Bonus 1 -Verb Group (1:31)
Bonus 2 -Verb masu-form (0:52)
Bonus 3 -Verb nai-form (0:58)
Bonus 4 -Verb te-form (2:30)
Bonus 5 -Verb ta-form (2:40)
Bonus 6 -Verb plain style/polite style (0:36)
Bonus 7 -i-Adjective plain style/polite style (1:16)
Bonus 8 -na-Adjective/Noun plain style/polite style (1:32)
[BONUS2] Extra explanation videos
Passive-form Review (71:07)
Giving and Receiving Review (90:03)
Intransitive/Transitive +ている/てある (84:10)
Conditionals Review (87:36)
Judgments Review (88:10)
Lesson 25 - まだ〜ている|still...
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